Antiblanks conducted extensive market research to understand the market viability for an app of its type and presented our findings as an in-depth research deck. We held group ideation sessions with the Football for Forests team to devise potential solutions based on the output of the research, presented and vetted these using various techniques including impact vs effort assessment, and held focus groups in the UK and Germany to wean out the strongest three concepts
Antiblanks created three different aspirational data capture landing pages and accompanying ads to summarise the core functionality of each app concept. We marketed each of three concepts using Facebook advertising to the target audience and analysed the results to define a clear winning concept for development.
Antiblanks used React Native; our preferred, tried and tested cross-platform mobile app development solution, coupled with our in-house iterative delivery process to build a minimum viable version of both the iOS and Android app efficiently and for a cost within budget.
Antiblanks utilised our internal user experience design expertise to create a modern user interface design which is fitting for a broad demographic. And our gamification expertise learned and honed through the development of several previous products including our in-house mobile product “Escape the App”, was instrumental in delivering a multi-faceted gamification solution which gave users multiple ways to earn tokens and restore trees.
Using React Native with our iterative delivery process enabled us to release the app to both iOS and Android stores on time and on budget. And our user experience and gamification expertise enabled us to deliver a minimum viable version of the app which is both fitting for the audience and is engaging and sticky enough to promote re-engagement.
The app has gone down well within the Football and Restoration community and Antiblanks were asked to join the Football for Forests team to speak about the app at the EFDN Conference at Anfield stadium in Liverpool.
Antiblanks West Midlands
Lichfield, Staffordshire, UK
p: +44 (0) 1543 524 752
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